FIFTH complaint to ASA about Health Broadcast ad

  1. I recently had to make a FIFTH complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority (“ASA”) about a ridiculous ad by Health Broadcast, a fake limited company flogging dubious “health products”.
  2. Worse, the ASA issued an “ad alert” against Health Broadcast after my FOURTH complaint about the ad (see 11 May 2021 post).
  3. Well, on 22 June 2021, the Daily Mail newspaper ran the ad again (screen shot in Figure 1).
Figure 1. Ad for Health Broadcast Ltd in the Daily Mail (22 June 2021, p.54)
  1. In response to my latest complaint, the advertising regulator said in an email: “As you are aware, in May 2021, our Compliance team issued an Ad Alert about this advertiser over their continued non-compliance. I have been in touch with my colleague in the Compliance department, and they are going to contact the publisher of the newspaper directly about this.”
  2. Meanwhile, the ASA “ad alert” dated 6 May 2021 asks the “the national/regional press to contact the CAP Copy Advice team before accepting any ads from Health Broadcast.”
  3. Did the Daily Mail contact the CAP Copy Advice team before running the ad on 22 June 2021? Despite repeated requests, the ASA declined to say.

ASA issues “ad alert” against Health Broadcast

  1. On 6 May 2021, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) issued an “ad alert” against Health Broadcast, a fake limited company flogging dubious “health products” (
  2. The advertising watchdog acted after Health Broadcast’s continued non-compliance with the advertising rules, the latest example of which was the subject of my complaint the previous day.
  3. On 5 May 2021, the Daily Mail newspaper ran a Health Broadcast ad where the company omitted to identify itself – and made ridiculous health claims about the product, “Copper Comfort Insoles” (screen shot in Figure 1).
Figure 1. Ad for Health Broadcast Ltd in the Daily Mail (5 May 2021, p.66)
  1. What’s more, my same-day complaint was the FOURTH I’ve made to the ASA about this silly ad (see 9 April 2021 post). Previous complaints were made on (all 2021) 31 January, 16 March and 4 April.
  2. The “ad alert” means the national/regional press will have to contact the CAP copy advice team before accepting any ads from Health Broadcast (CAP, the Committee of Advertising Practice Ltd).
  3. The ASA said in an email: “This is a strong sanction that works effectively and our compliance team use them to bring advertisers into line with the advertising rules.”
  4. Let’s hope I don’t have to make a fifth complaint about this ad.

Health Broadcast Ltd still running ad without its name

  1. On 24 February 2021, I described a national newspaper ad where the advertiser omitted to identify itself. The company was Health Broadcast Ltd, a fake limited company flogging dubious “health products”.
  2. The ad appeared in the Daily Mail on 30 January 2021. The next day I complained to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).
  3. The advertising watchdog upheld my complaint about both the non-disclosure of the identity of the advertiser and the ridiculous health claims it made about the product, “Copper Comfort Insoles”. The ASA also referred the ad to its “compliance team”.
  4. I had hoped that would be the last I’d see of the ad.
  5. No, I came across it again in the Daily Mail, on 16 March 2021.
  6. I duly complained to the ASA again, whereupon the advertising watchdog informed me on 24 March 2021 that it had given Health Broadcast Ltd a “grace period” over the ad.
  7. That would surely be the last time I’d see the ad, I thought.
  8. No, there it was in The Mail on Sunday on 4 April 2021 (screen shot in Figure 1).
Figure 1. Ad for Health Broadcast Ltd in The Mail on Sunday (4 April 2021, p.104)
  1. Again, the ASA told me its compliance department was continuing to engage with Health Broadcast Ltd over this and other problematic ads.
  2. That’s some “grace period”.

Ad for Health Broadcast Ltd fails to name advertiser

  1. I first wrote about Health Broadcast Ltd, a fake limited company flogging dubious “health products” from national newspaper ads, on 15 August 2017. Its ads continue to appear in the nationals, especially for the ridiculous “detox foot patches”.
  2. On 30 January 2021, Health Broadcast Ltd surpassed itself: its ad in the Daily Mail newspaper omitted to name the advertiser (screen shot in Figure 1)!
Figure 1. Ad for Health Broadcast Ltd in the Daily Mail (30 January 2021, p.84)
  1. The product advertised was “Copper Comfort Insoles”. The only thing disclosed about the advertiser was a phone number – 0808 208 9190.
  2. Previously that phone number has been used by Health Broadcast Ltd.
  3. I complained about the ad to the advertising watchdog, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), pointing out the non-disclosure of the identity of the advertiser, and the ridiculous health claims it makes about the product.
  4. The ASA said in an email: “… we have previously investigated and upheld complaints about the issue that you have highlighted and we are concerned to hear that such claims continue to appear. Therefore, we have referred your complaint to our Compliance team for further action…”
  5. The regulator added: “They [Compliance team] will also raise the issue of it not being immediately apparent in the ad who the advertiser is.”